Other content tagged: pregnancy

Schutzlücken schon vor der Geburt schließen – Interview mit Dr. Marianne Röbl-Mathieu zur Keuchhusten-Impfung in der Schwangerschaft

In der Schwangerschaft rückt das Thema Gesundheit für viele Menschen besonders in den Vordergrund – schließlich soll sichergestellt werden, dass das (noch ungeborene) Kind einen guten Start ins Leben erhält. Während Aspekte wie Ernährung und Bewegung selbstverständlich eine große Rolle spielen, ist in den letzten Jahren auch das Thema Impfen wieder stärker in den Fokus gerückt. Dazu beigetragen hat auch die Tatsache, dass die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) ihre Empfehlungen für Schwangere aufgrund von neuen Forschungserkenntnissen aktualisiert hat. So rät die…
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Ein Schritt auf dem Weg in ein gesundes Leben – Impfen in der Schwangerschaft

Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat in den letzten Monaten auch das Thema „Impfen“ wieder stärker in das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit gebracht. Nach einer intensiven Entwicklungs- und Testphase sind nun einige Impfstoffe auf dem Markt, die bereits in vielen Ländern zum Einsatz kommen. So steigt auch in Deutschland die Zahl der gegen COVID-19 geimpften Menschen jeden Tag kontinuierlich an. Sowohl in den sozialen Netzwerken als auch den Feuilletons der großen Zeitungen werden beispielsweise die Funktionsweisen der verschiedenen Impfstoffe oder Aspekte der Impfpriorisierung gelegentlich…
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Generational effects of COVID-19: Elevated anxiety during pregnancy has negative impact on infants

A self-report questionnaire in pregnant women in Alberta reveals that stress resulting from specific concerns about COVID-19 exceeds expected levels and is higher than that experienced by other groups of people. Social support and physical activity appeared as potential protective factors. The global COVID-19 pandemic has provided a platform to study the impact of severe disease outbreak and subsequent quarantine on mental health issues. Since these issues are heightened in…
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COVID-19 – Risks for preterm born infants: An interview with Professor Doctor Christoph Bührer

COVID-19 and its distribution is on everyone‘s lips and speculations run high. Especially older people and persons with a pre-existing medical condition appear to be develop a serious illness more often than others (WHO). This might leave parents-to-be, parents of preterm born infants and former preterms worrying. We talked to Professor Doctor Christoph Bührer, Medical Director Department of Neonatology, Charité Berlin about the risks he sees for unborn babies, preterm born infants and preterm born adults. …
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New baby? New app!

Saving precious moments on new Baby+ app It is a very convenient and also fun way to keep track on your pregnancy and your baby’s development using digital tools. The new Baby+ app provides parents with insightful and helpful information, a wide range of trackers, such as height, weight, sleeping and feeding patterns. So far so good, however it also comes with informative articles, guides and lullabies and it is also possible to track multiple babies, siblings for instance, at…
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Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids might be associated with a higher risk of preterm birth

For decades, there were ongoing discussions whether a high intake of fatty acids, either by eating more sea fish or by taking fish oil supplements, can reduce the risk of preterm birth, and different studies produced different results. A new study [1], published in the journal EBioMedicine, now suggests that there might be a connection between low levels of fatty acids in the blood and preterm birth. In the new study from Olsen SF et al. , researchers looked at…
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Pregnancy and Pre-eclampsia – an interview with high-risk patient Cathleen Simnick

Question: Have you ever come across the term Pre-eclampsia before or in the beginning of your pregnancy? Cathleen Simnick: Frankly speaking, I have never heard of pre-eclampsia before I got pregnant. I did know the term ‘toxemia of pregnancy’ but I had no idea what this was actually all about.  Did you notice any of the “typical” symptoms of pre-eclampsia? If so, when and in which form did they appear? During my pregnancy I had a subtle form of placental…
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