Research Projects

EFCNI welcomes inquiries from researchers and institutions who seek patient representation

Research project to develope an ARTificial PLACenta to replace invasive techniques in the treatment of critically ill newborns

A collaborative network for the development and evaluation of new drugs for children

Developing a Core OUtcome Set and outcome measures of family-centred care In Neonatal care

First 1000 days – Strategies to Prevent Childhood Obesity

Infant and family-centred developmental care in times of COVID-19 – A global survey of parents’ experiences

LIFT-UP Preterm: Long Term Infant Follow-up in Trials Using a European Platform of Preterm Birth Cohorts

The NOMINATE project: Novel Outcome Measures IN AuToimmune DiseasE

PREMSTEM: The brain injury in the premature born infant: stem cell regeneration network

ResQ Family: Impact of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Hospitalisation on Quality of Life of Families – A Multi-Country Study

TREOCAPA: Prophylactic treatment of the ductus arteriosus in preterm infants by acetaminophen

Research projects (ended)

INSPIRE: International Neonatal Transfusion Point Prevalence-study

Providing the bridge from data collection to data sharing, and establishing a digital research platform on very preterm babies

Screening and following up to improve health in very preterm infants in Europe