Other content tagged: NGO

Putting prematurity on the agenda of the Brazilian Government

A guest article by Denise Suguitani, Executive Director of the Brazilian Parents of Preemies' Association Brazil is the 10th country in the world ranking of preterm birth. Since 2014 the nonprofit organisation 'Brazilian Parents of Preemies' Association', known as 'ONG' has been dedicating its work to address prematurity based on three pillars: raising awareness, prevention of preterm birth; permanent education to train health professionals, and advocating in the interests of families of preterm infants, acting in the area of…
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GLANCE – 1st Founding Committee Meeting

In January, EFCNI announced the founding of GLANCE, the Global Alliance for Newborn Care on the annual Parent Organisations Meeting.  After thorough planning and preparations, the first GLANCE Founding Committee Meeting took place in Munich. 14 international parent representatives from Europe, Turkey, Africa, Australia, the United States, Canada and Mexico as well as four EFCNI members, had been working hard in a two days meeting to make progress in structural and organisational regards, settling for areas of activities and deciding…
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