Other content tagged: news

World Prematurity Day 2020: “Together for babies born too soon – Caring for the future”

As we have been doing since 2008, EFCNI and its friends, supporters, and partner organisations celebrated World Prematurity Day on 17 November and used the day to raise awareness for the issue of preterm birth and the challenges it poses for babies born too soon and their families. The Motto This year’s theme was “Together for babies born too soon – Caring for the future”. It highlights that caring for preterm babies means, in fact, actively investing and empowering future…
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Delivering transformative action in paediatric pain: a Lancet Child & Adolescent Health Commission

Pain is a feeling every child and adolescent, will experience in their lives. Yet, unrecognised, undertreated, or poorly managed pain in childhood can have long-lasting negative consequences such as chronic pain, disability and distress. Even though there are several tools, expertise, and evidence available to handle childhood pain more successfully, pain is too often silenced and relief too infrequently given. Therefore, it is time for a change. The Lancet…
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Starker Start für kleine Helden 2020 – ein besonderes Jahr

Der Monat November neigt sich dem Ende zu und damit auch unsere Aktionen rund um Starker Start für kleine Helden. Auch im Jahr 2020 widmeten wir den Welt-Frühgeborenen-Tag am 17. November unseren kleinen Heldinnen und Helden um auf die schwierige Situation von Familien mit Frühgeborenen aufmerksam zu machen. Zusammen mit 170 neonatologischen Intensivstationen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz feierten wir die Stärke, den Mut und die Kraft mit der die kleinen Heldinnen und Helden und ihre Eltern die Herausforderungen…
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Online training helps preemies

An international team of researchers has now found that computerised training can support preterm children’s academic success. In their randomised controlled study “Fit for School”, the researchers compared two learning apps. The project at the University Hospital Essen and at Ruhr-Universität Bochum was funded by Mercator Research Center Ruhr (Mercur) with approximately 300,000 Euros for four years. Results have been published online as unedited manuscript in the journal Pediatric Research on 12 September 2020. Every 11. baby is born too…
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Recorded video of LSHTM-Charité Global Health Lecture is out now!

On World Prematurity Day EFCNI chairwoman Silke Mader gave a presentation at the Global Health Lecture of LSHTM-Charité  - a lecture focusing on the effects of COVID19 on deliveries and neonatal health worldwide. What an inspiring event and exceptional work! Join the recorded LSHTM-Charité Global Health Lecture to hear the latest on preterm births during  the pandemic  and what we can do to mitigate harm! The recorded video of the Global…
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Silke Mader hosted a plenary session at the UENPS Congress

On 19th of November the digital UENPS Congress, EFCNI chairwoman Silke Mader hosted the plenary session FAMILY CENTRED CARE: THE WORLD EXPERIENCE, where she was also presenting on the topic of “Family-centred care: current application and future directions”. At this roundtable, she pointed out the effects of COVID-19 on deliveries worldwide and drew attention to the consequences a separation policy has on parents and preterm born babies. We would like to thank all speakers…
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“Stay close to your parents” – how a German association supports parents of preterm babies in times of pandemic

The association "Das frühgeborene Kind" e.V. with its nationwide network of self-help initiatives and counselling centres for families with preterm born infants is a contact and placement centre in Germany for all who need help and information regarding preterm births. In an interview with EFCNI Katrin Eglin, spokeswoman of "Das frühgeborene Kind" e.V., explains how the association is involved in the times of COVID-19 Mrs Eglin, exchanging knowledge and sharing experience are always important but even more so in times…
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Neonatal intensive care, patient safety and quality improvement: What? When? Where? Who? And How?

A guest article by Dr Cynthia van der Starre Ever since the release of the landmark report “To Err is Human” by the Institute of Medicine in November 1999, the science behind improving patient safety and quality of care has been increasing steadily. Not only “classical” medical research has contributed to evidence-based ways for quality improvement, but also the influence of a growing number of methodological, social, psychological, anthropological, economical and other studies has impacted our way of thinking about…
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Medical Training in times of Covid-19

The article “SARS-COV-2 epidemic and medical training: Unnecessary risk or indispensable duty” by Schwindt et al covers the pressing question on how to handle and safely conduct life-saving medical trainings during the pandemic. The article explains the importance of training complex medical situations and points out important characteristics for a safe and successful training environment in times of COVID-19. Please find the whole article at:
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Österreichischer Verein „Kleines Knöpflein – früh(chen) benäht“

In passender Kleidung die Welt entdecken – das ist für Frühchen gar keine so leichte Aufgabe und stellt ihre Eltern oft vor die Herausforderung Strampler, Bodies und Mützchen in der richtigen Größe zu finden. Diese Schwierigkeit hatte auch Nadja Goritschnig, als ihre kleine Tochter Liah 2018 als Frühchen zur Welt gekommen ist und sich in diversen Kleidungsgeschäften keine Erstausstattung für sie finden ließ. Daraufhin beschloss sie selbst nähend tätig zu werden und gründete kurze Zeit darauf und anlässlich des Welt-Frühgeborenen-Tages…
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