Research news

06 May 2019

EFCNI supports study by c4c research collaboration on paracetamol in preterm babies

Since last year, EFCNI has been involved as a third party representing the voice of patients and parents in the new conect4children (c4c) consortium, a research collaboration to build a...
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17 April 2019

New series on cohorts of the Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm (RECAP preterm) project

Our new series presents the cohorts of the EU-funded project „Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm“ (RECAP preterm), which aims at contributing to a better understanding on the...
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05 April 2019

Euro-Peristat – more and better data for perinatal health

Euro-Peristat is a European research project that aims to improve perinatal health. The project collaborators and contributing experts developed common tools to assess perinatal health problems and health care in...
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02 April 2019

Training for parent organisations: workshop on the implementation of the standards

Training and knowledge about the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health are key for their implementation in the different countries. This is why EFCNI is thrilled to welcome another...
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28 March 2019

Regulatory Science to 2025 strategy – The European Medicine Agency (EMA) asks for stakeholders’ feedback

The European Medicine Agency (EMA) has published its draft on a "Regulatory Science to 2025" strategy  for public consultation. Regulatory science is defined as the range of scientific disciplines that...
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28 February 2019

EFCNI shares a parental view on cluster randomised controlled trials in newborn babies

EFCNI has repeatedly expressed concern about the lack of evidence in the treatment of newborn babies and has called for more research in this field. EFCNI is firmly convinced that...
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28 February 2019

Collecting quality data is key: registries of babies treated for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) can improve health, care, and science

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a disease of the eye affecting preterm born babies. It is characterised by changes in the developing blood vessels of the retina (the light-sensitive layer...
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26 February 2019

Neonatal real world data for research purposes – what is the parents’ view?

Real world data (RWD) in medicine is data derived from a number of sources, for instance surveys or focus group interviews that are associated with outcomes in a heterogeneous patient...
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20 December 2018

How parents can help reduce and manage procedural pain in the NICU

In the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), ill and preterm babies face a number of unpleasant and painful procedures, such as heel sticks to obtain blood samples, attachment and removal...
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23 November 2018

Experts call for father- and family-friendly processes in the neonatal units

The importance of bonding between mother and child is widely known, but a recent literature review paper[1], published in the Journal of Neonatal Nursing, shows that the bonding between father...
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