We are happy to provide you with our ResQ Family communication toolkit! This toolkit contains campaign materials, which are designed to raise awareness of RSV and the burden of RSV-related hospitalisations on the parental health-related quality of life of affected families. Join us and help spread the word about the comprehensive impact a child’s hospitalisation has on parents and what healthcare professionals can do to better support them in the future! We warmly invite you to download the material provided on this page and use it for your own communication. Please make sure to use the hashtag #ResQFamily when using these materials and don’t forget to tag us @efcni /@EFCNIwecare on X so we can like and share your posts.

ResQ Family - Project Report

This project report provides an overview of the most important cross-national key findings and outlines not only RSV-related symptoms but also parenteral health-related quality of life dimensions. Besides, country-specific results focusing on parenteral feelings in relation to the child’s health status, health literacy and disease awareness, and the quality of communication and support structures from healthcare providers are also addressed. 

Download your copy now!  

Project Report - Social Media Graphics

Download our social media graphics, available for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X and use them to inform your community about this project report! Share it with patients, friends and family, and promote RSV awareness on your social media platforms, your blog or website. Please remember to credit ©EFCNI.





ResQ Family - Expert Quote Cards

Take a look at the quote cards of our international ResQ Family experts (per expert English and country-specific version) and learn more about the challenges that RSV-related hospitalisations of children pose for affected families and what changes are needed to effectively address these challenges in the future.

ResQ Family - Research News

This research news provides an overview of key study and country-specific findings, uncovering how parents are affected and which country-specific gaps in support for affected families need to be closed in the future.

EFCNI_ResQFamily_SoMe_Promotion_Research News_FB

ResQ Family - Short Motion Video

This short motion video, available in 5 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Swedish), addresses the most essential ResQ Family study results with regards to the burden of affected families. It highlights parental feelings in relation to the distressing situation during hospitalisation of the child, impact on the family’s private and professional life, disease awareness as well as the quality of support structures through healthcare providers.

For a comprehensive overview of the key and country-specific findings, take a look at the project report.


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ResQ Family - Postcard

Download the ResQ Family Postcard for distrubution in your network. By scanning the QR code on the postcard, you will be directed to the ResQ Family Project Report (see above).


Transparency: EFCNI received a research grant from Sanofi in support of this independent study. All resulting communication assets were independently developed and operated by EFCNI with support from EFCNI project partner Sanofi