Other content tagged: parental knowledge

What parents want to know about their preterm baby’s care

Researchers explored the knowledge needs and skills acquisition of parents during their baby’s neonatal intensive care stay in California, USA. The study revealed differences in the learning needs and skills acquisition depending on the parents’ age and characteristics of the newborn. Moreover, the infant’s medical course and questions about feeding were the main topics of parental interest. Having a preterm baby in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is challenging for the family. During…
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Parental knowledge of respiratory infections in preterm infants

A survey among parents regarding their understanding of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other respiratory infections in preterm babies showed a highly established knowledge. Most parents consider RSV illness a very serious condition and identified nurses, doctors, and pamphlets as their primary sources of information. The Canadian Premature Babies Foundation (CPBF), a parent-led organisation, strives to minimise the overwhelming challenges of families of preterm babies through the provision of evidence-based information. These educational mandates,…
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