Other content tagged: Extremly preterm infant

Health-related quality of life following extremely preterm birth

The EPICure study analysed the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) in 129 adults born extremely preterm in the UK and Ireland in comparison to adults born at term. It was found that participants born with impairment had the lowest scores for HRQL, followed by those born extremely preterm without impairment, with cognition being the most affected domain. Interestingly, parent-reported HRQL tended to be lower than the self-reported reality. Since 1990, thanks to advances in…
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Increasing Early Skin-to-Skin in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants

Although the benefits of skin-to-skin care (SSC) for preterm and low birthweight infants are known to the neonatal community, some health centres still struggle with implementation. To increase SSC within the first 72 hours of life among extremely low birthweight (ELBW) infants, a multidimensional approach was chosen at a Level IV university-based regional intensive care nursery (ICN). SSC has many benefits for mothers and infants, especially those born preterm. Previous studies showed that in…
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Changes in thresholds for treatment of extremely preterm infants – a study among neonatal experts in the UK

Through an online survey among UK neonatal staff, the thresholds and viability for treatment of extremely preterm infants (EPIs) were evaluated. Respondents reported a median grey zone for neonatal resuscitation between 22 and 24 weeks’ gestation. Compared with previous studies, the survey showed a shift in the threshold for resuscitation, with greater acceptance of active treatment for infants also below 23 weeks’ gestation. Infants born before 28 weeks of pregnancy are considered EPIs, and…
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